Ordering a repeat prescription

The fastest way to order your repeat prescription - ready and with your chemist within 48 working hours.


Online Form and via Email

You can request your repeat prescription by clicking on the button below.

As you are requesting your prescription online, and you may be asking for someone else to collect your prescription on your behalf, you will need to put this in the comment box that 'X' (insert name of person) will be collecting your prescription.  These changes have been put in place to comply with the Data Protection Act.


You can, also, order your prescription by contacting your nominated Pharmacy. If you haven't got a nominated pharmacy, where your prescriptions can be sent to electronically, then please contact us and we can set this up for you.

Alternatively, you can send a prescription request to our prescriptions email with your name, date of birth and medication required: swlicb.y05317prescriptions@nhs.net

Please ensure you allow at least two whole working days to process your prescription request after it has been received, this is to allow time for the Doctors to check your medicines, as they are legally responsible for them.

Repeat Prescription

Unless there are exceptional circumstances we do not accept telephone prescription requests as this can jam the switchboard and could lead to serious errors.



Medication Review

If you have repeat prescriptions, your medication will be reviewed regularly by one of our Doctors. Please note information may be printed on your repeat prescription requesting that you either call the Surgery or make an appointment to see a Doctor regarding your medication. If you have not contacted the Surgery, you may only be given 1 month’s supply of medication and you will be reminded to discuss your medication with your Doctor. You will also be invited to the Surgery for an annual check either at one of our long-term condition review clinics or with your Doctor during general surgery.

Please contact the Dispensary or your local Pharmacist if you ever have any queries regarding your medication.